Monday, January 16, 2017

Language DeClutter

Last post, I said I was going to drop some languages.  I can never bring myself to actually do it, but the ones I'm considering (off the top of my head) are...
  • Czech
  • Hungarian
  • Latvian
  • Norwegian
  • Romanian (One of my earliest, so I may keep this one.)
  • Slovenian
  • Ukrainian
I'm at least going to do the courses I have for each of these and from there, see if I want to continue.

My definite keepers are...
  • Bulgarian
  • Croatian/Serbian
  • Dutch
  • Estonian
  • Greek (modern)
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
But who knows, maybe I'll find myself phasing out a couple of these too and really just focus hard on five or six.  

My can't decide either way...
  • Russian
I'm becoming a jill of all trades and a master of none. I want to stop "collecting" languages and actually learn them. :)


  1. Hi Kelly! I vote "да" for Russian!!! :) It's super cool, plus it'll give you a good boost with other Slavic languages later.

    My current study languages are Spanish and Russian... been working on them for years. My husband and I are starting Mandarin Chinese lessons tomorrow just for fun ;)

  2. I have a small stack of Russian learning materials, so will definitely give it a chance. The Slavic languages are my favorite. Serbian was the first of that group I started learning, and I think it actually helped me learn Cyrillic easier since it uses a matching Latin alphabet too. Good luck with the Mandarin. :)


Portuguese on YouTube Resources

There are three YouTube channels I follow for learning Portuguese: Learn Portuguese with Dri and Lud Português com Marcia Macedo Street Smar...